Hey everyone! It's been a while since my last post because I've been super busy flying all around the US this last week. If you follow me on Twitter @frmheadtotoe, you may already know that I've been working on a webseries called Away We Happened with Wong Fu Productions and AT&T alongside my costar, Victor Kim (whom you may recognize from Quest Crew). I am so, so excited for it to go up later this month so I can share our hard work with all of you. :)
I can't go too into detail quite yet, but here's a little peek of my last couple of weeks through Instagram:
I'm heading back home from California tomorrow, but I just wanted to first of all thank everyone for entering my giveaway. I am really thrilled and overwhelmed by the positive response and wealth of feedback I've received from all of your comments and I hope it can help me improve my channel to make it even better for you!
Unfortunately it's come to my attention that there's been a spammer on Youtube who has been trying to mislead those who have entered my giveaway by posing as me through a fake account "frmheadtootoe". Please know that I do NOT have any second accounts and I would never have a secret giveaway for any reason without letting you know publicly. Please do not give them your information!!! I didn't even get a chance to choose the winner yet, although I promise I will soon after I get back home. I will announce the winner on my blog so until you hear, please beware of this fake account.
Otherwise, I hope you all are having a fantastic week! I'll be hard at work on my next tutorial which will be up very soon. Be safe and I hope you are all getting the good rest that I haven't been able to get yet. ;)
I can't go too into detail quite yet, but here's a little peek of my last couple of weeks through Instagram:
- I absorbed Spring neons and went to the park with Cherry.
- Recorded my next tutorial. Do you have a guess of what it may be?
- Sang karaoke with Victor. We did a duet to "A Whole New World" from Aladdin because that's how all the cool kids roll.
- Loved taking in the NYC skyline!!
- Filmed with the Wong Fu guys. Here Victor is acting, Ted has the boom mic, Wes is behind the cam, and Phil is directing.
- Caught the NASA space shuttle landing at JFK airport. You can see it piggy-back on top of the plane. Then we went onward to LA for more filming.
- This guy was at the airport waiting to propose to his girlfriend who apparently loves elephants! Partly creepy but mostly really freaking cute!
- Delicious macaroons to brighten the end of my short LA visit.
I'm heading back home from California tomorrow, but I just wanted to first of all thank everyone for entering my giveaway. I am really thrilled and overwhelmed by the positive response and wealth of feedback I've received from all of your comments and I hope it can help me improve my channel to make it even better for you!
Unfortunately it's come to my attention that there's been a spammer on Youtube who has been trying to mislead those who have entered my giveaway by posing as me through a fake account "frmheadtootoe". Please know that I do NOT have any second accounts and I would never have a secret giveaway for any reason without letting you know publicly. Please do not give them your information!!! I didn't even get a chance to choose the winner yet, although I promise I will soon after I get back home. I will announce the winner on my blog so until you hear, please beware of this fake account.
Otherwise, I hope you all are having a fantastic week! I'll be hard at work on my next tutorial which will be up very soon. Be safe and I hope you are all getting the good rest that I haven't been able to get yet. ;)