Why OPI is My Favorite Nail Polish

11:47 AM

If you've been a long-time reader of this blog you'll know how I have an especially warm spot in my heart for nail polish. It was one of the first beauty items I really enjoyed collecting and spending my free time on. I recently stopped by an OPI event and will full on admit I felt a little fangirly meeting the company's co-founder Suzi Weiss-Fischmann for the first time. All those cute polish names? She and a precious small group came up with them. The colors? Yup, she's had a hand in each collection.

She was sharing the lovely brights in the upcoming Fiji launch as well as the whole permanent Infinite Shine collection which is a newer, long-wear formula. I found it fascinating how she said yellow is such a trendy color paired with nude, especially with nail art trends.

Of course, Infinite Shine has some well-known goodies like You Don't Know Jacques! and a personal favorite of mine, Alpine Snow, which is what I chose to get on my nails.

I'm SO happy to report how amazing the Infinite Shine formula is! Not only are the colors true and super shiny, but my polish lasted for nearly 2 weeks without chipping and clearly wore better than regular non-gel polishes. I know lots of companies have been coming out with their own "gel-like" polish lines so I'm happy to see that it's pushed the chemistry of nail polish to a better standard across the board.

Have you guys tried any of the newer polish formulas? What did you think? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Please bring back Manicure Mondays! They were so informative.

    1. Ah, I would love to! Maybe when I get back into more of a nail routine I can at least intermittently. Glad to know you enjoyed Mani Mondays!

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  3. So funny, I really wanted the Infinite Shine Line to work for me, and it lasts about two day before chipping (and I'm pretty easy on my nails). It's so crazy how different nail chemistry can be between two people.

    1. Yes, I've heard about this from trying out different brands and formulas too! As you said it may be a chemistry thing but you could also try wiping your nails down with rubbing alcohol beforehand as a final nail prep step in case it's the natural oils in your nails causing the chipping. If alcohol is too drying, try washing hands just before the base coat step. I personally find this to make my mani last an extra couple of days! :)

