May 14th, Bloggers With No Makeup Day

7:38 PM

So I've heard online today that May 14th is Bloggers Without Makeup Day (via: this blogher article) based on a feud with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb on the Today Show vs. Rosie O'Donnel who accused them of plastic surgery. The challenge? To do their show with no makeup.

I found the video clip quite refreshing and liberating. I feel that we as women are expected to be this platform representing grace, elegance, and being beautiful with no signs of stress or difficulty and let's just be honest. Who is really like that? Every model you see in a magazine, everything you see on tv, every billboard or advertisement is a falsification for what we think is expected of us. If we don't live up to that standard than we are categorized as boyish and less feminine. Even in the working world, we are expected to paint our faces, wear stilts, and suck in our tummies to be worth listening to. What a difference "professional" means for men!

This is a fascinating topic to me because I personally didn't wear makeup on a regular basis until I was 21, a junior in college. Don't get me wrong, I love makeup. It's an artform and it does make me feel confident and expressive. I'm not going to say that my bare face is loveliness... quite the contrary actually. I'm rather plain and my high school and college years were right at the worst of my acne problems and I was grandly overlooked by classmates. BUT what I learned was to be okay with myself for who I was inside and let that define me as a person, not my face.

It's strange to now be in the world of youtube and blogging because so many people out there see your face before they bother to read your words or listen to what you have to say. There are snap judgements made and I think people get offended if you don't look how they want you to look, talk how they want you to talk, or apply makeup how they think is best. Isn't that just the most bizarre concept? But we all do it without comprehending why, or considering what that person is going through and feels.

So yeah, I just wanted to write my two cents. I'm not saying it's easy to love yourself with a bare face but I think it is important to love who you are as a person, disconnected from your face and body, first. And we should also love others with no makeup too. From doing makeup on other people, I get the joy of seeing lots of beautiful women with no makeup on and I'm always delighted to see the potential in their canvas. This woman has gorgeous green flecks in her brown eyes, and this woman has wonderful rosy lips. This one has beautiful dark eyelashes, and this one has delicate hairs on her face which act as a natural mattefier. No woman isn't beautiful.

On that note here is me with a deep breath *gulp* showing my bare face.

Photos without makeup, straight from the camera. Not even lighting correction. Just resized and watermarked. (Ahhhhhhh!)

Bravery always feels a bit naked. ^.~

Here's to No Makeup Day!

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  1. even with no makeup, you still have beautiful thoughts, ideas, and features!

  2. still so envious of you... You have very nice facial features ^^

  3. As always, I think you're gorgeous no matter what! It's great that you did this post, I would not have the guts to do it! >_< I do think it's important to at least accept (if not love) how one looks without makeup. Err well the only time I go without makeup is if I'm at home or sick, haha XP But I guess I've come to accept all the things I consider "flaws" and just live with them... 'Cause there's always makeup to remedy the things you don't like!

  4. A million thumbs up for your post! You are so beautiful even without makeup! =) I've never worn makeup before a year ago. I started out gradually and now I limit myself to put makeup on only on weekends. When I go to school, I have nothing on but a moisturizer and mascara!

  5. I've always believed that we are the most beautiful when we love ourselves just the way we are. I'm not necessarily super religious or anything like that, but I do believe we are God's greatest masterpiece.
    When a person is comfortable with their own skin, with themselves, sans makeup, sans the bs.. That is when a person is the most radiant - and it shines.
    I'm not just trying to kiss your ass or anything there, i'm having a serious moment...
    Jen, you're always gorgeous - no matter what.
    The love you've shown on blogger/youtube/twitter always jumps out through the screen and that's what has always made you truly beautiful to me. - inside and out.

  6. I really applaud you for doing a blog like this. Makes you so much more down to earth and such a good role model for young impressionable girls who watch beauty gurus. I think this blog of yours will definitely help the self-esteem of many girls. Keep up your great blogs and videos!

  7. i completely agree! loving and accepting yourself is way more important. your face, your body, your skin... everything... changes with time but who you are doesn't. love it!!

  8. Hey Jen (:
    I found this video to be super refreshing as well as both uplifting and inspirational. It's such a great post, and a meaningful one too.

    I'm definitely a believer that we as women should use makeup to enhance our features, rather than as a mask to cover up our flaws. As I said on twitter (@y0omii) we're all perfectly imperfect and that's what makes us beautiful. We all have our flaws, we just need to take the time to embrace ourselves.

    I think that in the kind of society we live in, it's hard not to get caught up in the media that surrounds us, and so we easily fall into that trap of 'trying to fit in' with the way that we think society wants us to be, or what they find as acceptable.

    I've only discovered recently how fun makeup can be when used to enhance our own features that we find beautiful. It's definitely not easy to accept ones flaws, but it's not impossible either, and I think when we learn to accept ourselves the way that we are, then that's when we learn to love ourselves, and our imperfections ^^ we're only human right?


    - sherry

  9. I watched that on the Today show! Loved your vid, esp. the part about what makeup should be used for. I love how you inspire girls & women around the world to feel more confident about themselves.

  10. You're still beautiful the way you are <3 I know what you mean by seeing all the flaws. There was a time I couldn't function without makeup and it became this stifling mask till one day I'm like WHO CARES and let go and now I can actually look in the mirror bare face and think 'hey i'm beautiful' even though I might not be lols.

    I like it when makeup gurus or superstars go bare face at times because it encourages everyone that yes you can be 'beautiful' too. Makes you feel better about yourself which is hard at times no thanks to the media <3 Also, makes me appreciate their insane makeup skills more :D

    I have one question though... how does your concealer cover those spots? MINE NEVER LOOK THAT FLAWLESS! tell me your secret! :D

    anyway, i dont think anyone would blast you in the comments. if only, you'd just make your readers love you more with this post <333

  11. thank you so much for making this post jen. i think it really shows character on your part. it's really brave of you to have put this on the internet to get your message across. it means a lot to me, and i'm sure to a lot of others too!
    Love from Tabi

  12. Hi Jen

    Great Video. My face i full of acne scars but I have learnt to be contented. do drop by when u have time.

    U are just as beautiful without makeup

  13. you look pretty even without makeup!

    funny, i was thinking about doing a post about bare face a few weeks ago but i've been putting off. makeup boosts some confidence in me and without it... i don't know...

    you are inspiring and real. this is what i like about you.

  14. Hmmmm you might want to consider editing your post. There were MANY grammar mistakes lolz...sorry i'm a grammar Nazi and I think bloggers should use proper grammar rules in order to be considered professional.

    But on a different note, you look WONDERFUL bare faced. You look a lot younger. And your skin is WONDERFUL

  15. even without makeup, you still look so amazingggg! and not to disregard where you've been and your struggles with acne. but still,i'm like, woww i'd LOVE to look like that without makeup. you still have a leg up on most us girls with our makeup on!!

  16. you're still so pretty! :) thanks for being so brave though

  17. Thank you for being so open! =) I always love how sincere you are, and how you always emphasize the importance of our internal features rather than our external features. Even though other bloggers say the same thing, seems sooo sincere with you =)

  18. Awesome message! I wholeheartedly agree! Thank you for sharing, and baring your face. ^_^

  19. Hi Jen,
    Thank you so much for having the courage to post a video/blog about this. I'm 20 and I'm still struggling to find something to help my acne. I also have eczema which makes finding the right products even harder. It's funny that you mentioned your aunts would ask you if you washed your face, etc because of your acne because that always happens to me too! I'm actually dreading to go back to see my extended family in August because I don't anticipate my skin to finally clear up out of nowhere in the next few months. It's really hurts your confidence and almost makes me a bit frustrated because most of the time you are taking care of your skin and sticking with a regimen and then a family member questions whether you give your skin a second thought....

    I almost feel like there's a greater pressure of living up to this perfect standard in Asia than there is here in the US. Maybe it's a matter of perception but many of my girlfriends and I are very comfortable with the way we are and acne or not, tall or short, etc we all love one another. Of course, there are times when we all get self-conscious but after traveling back and forth from the US to Asia I've been able to recognize such a big difference. All I hear my cousins talk about is how they want to be taller and skinnier...and about their latest diets even though according to the BMI charts they're well under or just about in the right weight range for their height. If you've traveled to Asia, have you noticed this? I'd really like to believe that slowly but surely, we're really empowering girls to see beauty as something beyond the physical here in the United States. I know it's still a major struggle this idea of self-image and it's something that we'll have to continually address generations from now, but I really do believe we're making a step in the right direction...starting with your blog post even!

    Anyways, thank you so much for being so open and honest with us. You are definitely someone I've looked up to in the makeup blogger world because you are so straight forward and down to earth. As a fellow sister in Christ, I truly see that you are a woman of God...someone whose light is so bright that it radiates when I watch your videos or read your blog. It's great to see you witness to such a variety of people in the internet world. Thank you so much for this blog entry!!

    Melissa <3

  20. Hats off to your bravery! You're sure one beautiful lady, in and out. Yes, when one feel beautiful and confident inside, it shows!

  21. omg you really did do it ~!

    Jen, beauty is always more noticeable when it's skin deep. We are so horrified by how people judge us we tend to put ourselves down. I am glad you are able to stand up and influence those who are following you!

  22. Uplifting! It’s not just makeup that makes a person attractive. It is personality, cheerfulness, a kind smile and a million other things. Btw, you look beautiful without makeup.

  23. I really enjoyed this post! But seriously Jen you're wayyyyy too hard on yourself!! Your skin looks AMAZING even with no makeup! I wish mine looked half as good as yours does now!

  24. I love that you are just like any one of us. When I'm watching you're vids I don't feel like I'm watching a far away makeup artist or a YouTube celebrity but rather a friend coaching me on how to apply makeup. You truly are a genuine person. I used to have acne for over 10 years and the neighbor kids wouldn't dare come close to me bc my acne face scared them. Oh well, life goes on, acne doesn't stay forever. You are beautiful, Jen!

  25. You're naturally beautiful, I don't believe you worried a bit before posting no makeup pics, your face is very good looking and pretty and not plain at all. Makeup just enhances and highlights your features, it doesn't make the whole difference.

  26. I still have acne scars till this day. I have never gone to see a derm.I still get acne here and there. I am 21 years old now and omg! I hated it, everytime I didn't cover up my face with make up my husbands aunts/ sister-inlaws/ mother in laws/ pplus my aunts (it was always the women ---I'm asian by the way) would always come up to me and say the same exact things that you stated on your video, "Have you tried using this soap?" "oh, I know a soap that will make ur acne go away, all the girls I know that have tried this soap no one no longer have anymore acne," etc etc. and my MOM! said this, "do you wash your face?" and her friend said this to me, "you should wash your face more, you need to take care of your face" as if they know anything!! I hate ignorant people like that. I mean for acne people, no matter how good you take care of your face, acne is still gonna be there. I hated every comment and it really did hurt me so bad. Now my face is starting to clear up and now people don't say shit anymore. YOu know they always looking for ways to put you down. I don't know why. GOsh I wish I had perfect skin, why can't they realize that not everyone has perfect skin. I just really want to stick my middle finger up and say F*U sometimes. But oh well, its better to just keep positive and when people make rude comments about someone else who has acne, make sure to step and be like, "you know, not everyone has perfect skin, have you ever had acne before? No? Then quit talking like you know the core problem to her acne problem." haha. Gosh, makes me have so much grudge when I think about it.
    But oh well, I guess I'm a better person and know better. Thanks for showing this video girl, really help me realize that not everyone is perfect and that we all really need to support each other because if we don't then no one will ever know how WE feel! Thanks again. You are the most beautiful girl I've seen!!!

  27. u r brave and beautiful x

    p.s. ur so right about the relatives thing, when they ask us and give us "advice"... but they don't understand it just doesn't work for my skin

  28. For me you don't really look much "different" without makeup xD Had I known there was a blog initiative like that, I;d also post my naked face - I'm not ashamed how how mother nature created me ;)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. thumbs up Jen!I love this post the most. U absolutely look fine with no make-up. All of us girls shines with make-up, but its ok to go naked-face and let the skin breathe, I totally agree with u. U r right, nobody's perfect :O)

    Shout out to all girls out there, love yourselves everyday, even when you feel you're hideous on bad face day,bad skin day, bad hair day!!Because God's creations for each of us are unique in each own way.

    Love, CT

  31. thanks for the encouragement and the bravery for showing your bare face =P was wondering what the derm prescribed you that worked. Mine seems to be giving me oral antibiotics which i feel never helps. maybe it's because I only take it for a month and feel it's not worth it. let us know if antibiotics were wat worked for you so some of us will actually stick to the regimen! thanks

  32. aw jen you are so cute..with or without makeup!

  33. I think you are truly beautiful with no make up on. Bravery always feel a little naked, yes ♥

  34. You are so gorgeous!!
    I love you.

  35. you're beautiful without makeup, inside and out <3

    there's a reason you're one of my fave bloggers ever

  36. wow. very nice post. of course you're still gorgeous w/o makeup, but this is a really well-written post! i agree makeup can be fun, but it's important not to use it as a mask. :)

  37. You are soo beautiful without makeup-- you look the same, which is why you are simply beautiful.

  38. You're pretty as it is! *hugs* Luckily your acnes didn't leave scars!^.^

  39. you look gorgeous without makeup. your face is so refreshing and gives a down-to-earth aura about you. :)

  40. I think you are still gorgeous even without makeup. It was really nice that you did this video. I love your message to all the girls out there. This will sure help all girls to boost their self esteem. I am 28 years old now and i still battle with acne problem. Cheer up the good work and keep all the girls inspired..;)

  41. You are absolutely beaitful! Inside and out. Stunning. :)

  42. You are one beautiful woman both in and out and I appreciate this post, you look seriously gorgeous even with naked face

  43. You look great even without makeup.

    Gotta love yourself inside and out :)

  44. so honest. thanks for the vid. haha i remember the days when i prayed to God to help me with my acne lols. youre still pretty:)

  45. Stephanie StylianouMay 15, 2010 at 8:54 PM

    This was so inspiring Jen. I adore your blog and ur a beautiful person. You look so beautiful without make up.... but even if you didn't, just from what you said and how genuine you were, it made you that much more amazing.

    I can really cope with the acne struggles.... On and off for the past 5 years I have struggles with acne, extremely oily skin, hyper pigmentation, the works.. I would go into depressions because of it, and I felt no one understood. And I hated always feeling like I had to wear make up to cover up all the spots and such on my face....

    My face has cleared up since... definatly not amazing... still have a bunch of spots... and struggling with a few permanent acne scars.... But my goal is to be able to go out in public and if I didn't want to wear make up, I could do it and feel beautiful still... I'm still working on this....

    But thanks again for this amazing post....


  46. Oh Jen, still looking 100% gorgeous without any mu on :)

    I can't believe you ever had acne! I definitely had it bad in middle-highschool and even somewhat throughout college. I didn't STOP wearing makeup until now, where after taking better care of my skin and general health, I feel more confident stepping into public without a stitch of makeup on (but always sunscreen)

    Thanks for the post!

  47. Thank you for that inspirational post.

    I can relate to what you have been through. I think there are a lot of girls out there who went through the same - I agree with most of what you said.

    I also want you to know that I think you are a beautiful person. ^^ Because, at the end of the day, it's always what is inside that matters.

  48. I think you look fab without makeup :)

    I always try to go without makeup at least one day of week since i wear makeup for work.. a lot of ladies in Japan cant leave the house without makeup tho and i do feel like the odd one out when I step out the house without makeup! Thank for doing the video and sharing your bare face! You look lovely bare or with makeup !

  49. Your beautiful! Even with no make-up your stunning =) I think everyone has imperfections but you might notice something about yourself that no one else does. I have alot of freckles which I really dislike and I used to get slightly self-concious about but my friends and my bf told me that they never even notice them that much! They are apart of me and who I am so I've learned to get used to having them and I don't even notice them as much myself now.

    I think all a girl needs is a bit of confidence to be beautiful. You certainly have this, this post was v brave of you and very admirable =) Your an inspiring person! Thank you for doing this Jen! <3

  50. this is why i love your blog <3

    :) u made me kinda teary haha

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Jen, I am new to your blog but instantly have become an admirer of your work and you as a person. I could tell you are very sincere and genuine just from reading your blog. Thank you so much for making this video. I think it is important for other women to share this exact moment/s with each other. I feel too many women try to compete with each other and it's so unnecessary. We all feel bad about ourselves at times or have our flaws, good days and bad ones. So why we all don't share our honesty with each other more often is a sad thing.

    I too, have some break-outs and dandruff plus other various flaws. Anyways, my point being is that I have learned to love myself from the inside out. Some days it's harder, I admit, but when we learn to love who we are from the inside out first that is when we shine our brightest.

    Again, thank you, you are a beautiful person, inside and out! :) You have recharged me, mentally because right now I am feeling a bit down but you have inpsired me. It's great for someone in your position and your career to be so honest and let everyone know how those images in the media are fake and that women shouldn't compare themselves to that. It's the truth and glad you speak it. Keep it up!

    "Everyone IS beautiful and unique in their own ways and that should be embraced not erased." - Me (Jamie Lee)

  53. Hey Jen, you are a natural beauty ;)

  54. you're so cute :)

  55. Thanks for sharing this post. Our naked face is something we should embrace and learn to love as we age.

  56. I loved this post! I've always loved posts where you let your readers get to know a little bit about you; it makes you seem more accessible and proves you're more than just a gorgeous makeup guru applying on perfect makeup! There's millions of resources ANYONE can access to learn how to apply makeup, so your sincere personality and ideals are refreshing. I didn't really realize what a lovely person you were until that video. honestly, how many people would be willing to point out their imperfections to strangers on the internet, just to inspire people? i love that about you!

  57. Thank you so much for making this inspiring video. It's been currently 2 months since I started using retin-a and I've been experiencing that heavy breakout phase you mentioned in your old blog entries. For those 2 months, I was able to ignore how my face is getting worse but lately it's been really getting difficult not to. I was on the verge of actually quitting retin-a until like you made this blog post. After I read it and watched your video I gained courage again to stay on my current regime. Thank you for the encouragement! I'll try my best to be patient and confident no matter what!

  58. I already talked to you in Twitter about this (@_sexformoney), but your vid almost made me cryyy! Especially when I felt you being on the verge of tears?!!?! I know that pain about dealing with acne. I'm almost 19 and it's still a big problem :'(
    You're incredibly purdy and inspiring!
    dont wanna be advertising and all, but I hope you check out our blog when you have time :)

  59. This is my fave vid of you Jen. I just felt your emotions. And I admire your braveness and honesty. Just so you know, I've also struggled with Acne since I was in highschool, I'm glad I'm over it now. :) I'm a fan of yours and will forever be a fan. Way to go my girl!

    Hugging you~~

  60. Great post. Also, I think you are a natural beauty.

  61. Thank you so much for posting this, you are so brave! I'm 21 and I discovered your blog right as my acne was starting to get better after a ten year struggle, and you gave me hope that things would get better someday. Now, my skin is clear, for the most part, but far far far from perfect. I know that it will never be perfect, and it's difficult to accept at times.When I watched your video, I cried!! It brought back all the memories of everything that I suffered through. People don't truly understand how much of an impact that acne can have unless they've been there. Thank you for saying it's okay to have flaws, that it's okay to have acne, that it's okay to be imperfect. I think we all need to hear that sometimes, when we are comparing ourselves to unrealistic ideals of beauty and focusing on the trivial, superficial things.

  62. I love this heart to heart video. you're truthful and you're beautiful even without makeup

  63. courageous! i think it's great that women are showing their faces. whenever people post up pictures of their naked face -- and i've done this -- they always say WATCH YOUR EYES or whatnot. why should we be afraid of showing who we really are? i mean sure, make up enhances, but still. STILL!

  64. <3 Your an inspiration to us all ^________________^ <3 koh mah wao

  65. awwww your soo cute and inspiring...i think im going to make a video response like this its so inspirtional

  66. This is the best you tube that i come across.. Thank.. :)

  67. I've only just recently found your blog and I think you are doing such an amazing thing here :)I'm turning 23 this year and I'm still going through really bad acne. It's frustrating but I know it will all clear up one day... hopefully real soon! You are really brave to be bare faced and as corny as this sounds, you looked most beautiful here than in all your other beautiful photos on your blog. Lots of love xoxo

  68. Sometimes I don't like looking in the mirror when my skin is really bad. Sometimes I skip work/social events because I don't want people staring at my imperfections. I have a hard time looking people in the eye, and when people look at me, I feel as if they are staring at my imperfections. I applaud you for giving those of us out there with a hard time hope. When I first stumbled across your site, I thought you were a pretty girl, but your true beauty lies within. I hope to one day be able to walk outside without any makeup and still feel beautiful. Thank you Jen. Love the site!

  69. You look absolutely beautiful even without makeup on! I wish I could cure the redness in my face.

    I don't live in the US, so I never saw that clip, but I really enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!!

  70. Hey Jen!

    I just happened to stumble across your site when I googled "double eyelid tape", but I just have to say that I am super glad because FOR ONCE there is an actual make-up artist who KNOWS how to work with Asian monolids because she has them herself! :D

    I am soo sick of those youtube videos on how to create the "perfect" eye make-up for monolids when those artists don't even have monolids themselves! It's like, "How the heck can you even understand when you don't have them yourself?!"

    And I just want to mention, even though you have monolids and it's supposed to be a bad thing, you look absolutely gorgeous! And what's even more, you STILL look GORGEOUS without make-up! I think your message is so important to girls out there in loving themselves naturally and, most importantly, you've set an example by showing yourself without make-up as well!

    I've always hated my eyes because they are small and monolided and I think they resemble the stereotypical "chinky eyes" that people make fun of and I've been told all my life that my eyes are really small, slanty, and just making look like one of those villains in movies so I'm really glad I read your message! Thank you..

    Even though I still wish my eyes are different, I just felt better reading this post..

  71. OMG! This really boosted up my self-esteem. Thanks Jen, you're a wonderful person INSIDE and OUT!

  72. Wow! Finally I found a very good video-post!
    I really liked your message! So simple, honest and cute!
    I had a similar problem skin when I was 15 years old! This kind of thing is not so easy to tell to everyone.

    ps: sorry for my spelling mistakes, I am from Brazil. I'm just learning english! ~.~

  73. The amount of courage you have to come out and share your story is incredibly admirable. It just shows how beautiful you are inside and out. Keep doing what you do, you've definitely won me over one hundred percent.

  74. Hey Jen! I know this is one of your older posts but for some reason, I always find myself coming back to it and watch your video time and time again. It's not because I'm obsessed with you (although I love all your blog posts :P). It's just whenever I feel like my skin is acting up and reverting back to what I call my "ugly stage," I find that watching your video rekindles my wavering confidence. Sometimes my skin is "fine" (as in only 1-3 pimples) and then suddenly it just erupts. And it's not just my face, my whole body acts up and I get zits on my shoulders, chest, back...

    It's just really frustrating and a real confidence drainer. But whenever I watch your video, realizing that I'm not alone in this struggle and also see how you've managed to cope with your skin, it really inspires me and gives me hope.

    I really appreciate you making this video without your makeup and discussing your past struggles. When you began to feel emotional, I genuinely understood the feeling. It's the one I get whenever I think about how much my skin has gone/continues to go through and how my self-esteem has taken such a big blow.

    So I know this is outdated but I really needed to let you know how much you've touched me when I'm feeling my lowest. It means so much to me, you probably don't even know :)

    ~ ♥ Katrina

  75. hey jen :) this is my first time visiting your blog and after i watched this "heart-to-heart" video that you made, i really had to leave a comment. i'm a 19-year-old girl in seoul and i've been struggling with acne for three years now. it got worse last year when i had to deal with so much stress due to college apps. the worst part was when i began to notice how people always seemed to look at my acne first when talking to me instead of my eyes. my confidence really plummeted and i was deeply hurt. if i had seen your video then, it would have been much better for me to gain confidence. but thankfully, my skin is getting better now. break outs are less frequent these days and i'm now going to the dermatologist to have better results. as you advised, i'm planning on sticking to whatever the dermatologist is recommending for at least four months. your video really made me feel the warmth of your personality and gave me hope and courage that my skin can look better. and i truly agree that every woman is beautiful. thanks again for making such inspirational video. your facial features are great and your makeups are fantastic. but i think your inner beauty is what really makes your videos so popular. i'll visit your blog often from now on. keep up your great posts!

  76. Thank you so much for this post (I know its old, but I just discovered your blog). I love your message that all women are beautiful, with or without make-up. Your experience with fighting acne and eczema is exactly what I went through with my relatives. The lowest point I've felt in my life was when all my aunts and uncles gathered around me at a family reunion and gave me all their "suggestions" to clear my skin (as if I hadn't tried everything). I wish I had seen your message then and know what I know now about beauty and self. Girls (and guys), looks don't last forever but a beautiful soul does.

  77. omg i love this video the most!! you're so real =DD very inspirational indeed! and yeap i think what you said abt your mum teaching you abt inner beauty mattering the most. very true! but... can i still regard you as my youtube eyecandy? HAHA. you rock girl =)

  78. you are such an inspiration. i didnt even know anyone else suffered from their families giving them advice till i saw your video and all the comments! I do not have acne, I have ECZEMA!! i would consider it worse than acne actually. I have it on my face (cheeks forhead) and it is so hard. its not something you can really prevent and doctors dont help too much. its really hard to be confident in myself with all these negative comments from family& friends and you helped a lot with it. i really love your videos and am SO glad i subscribed to you!

  79. Hi Jen!

    Just started watching your vid and now checking out your blog! I'm your fan boy (as what they usually call guy admirers of unnies or kpop girls or what have you)... im 27 and i my self struggled with acne since I was 11... it only healed after college and i did not nothing special... i guess all of us has to go through that phase :-)

    you are beautiful inside out and I used to tell my friends that no amount of make up can cover up the blemishes of our personality... thank you for being an inspiration... i know it's hard to bare your self (worse in youtube) open to criticisms and yet that's one strong move... nice insights... you should write a book! :-)

    bj from the philippines :-)

  80. Thank you, your courage is so inspiring

  81. Hey Jen =)

    Thanks so much for the inspiring vid, and you and evry other girl is beautiful, with or without make up ;)

    I've been having acne problems for years as well, and still in my early twenties. May i know what medication did you used exactly? I've been going to dermatologists, and it got better, but i still have major outbreaks and acnes when I have lack of sleep and stress due to my studies; so I was looking for a better solution, than just the dermatologists and getting facial washes and extraction. Tq~! <3


  82. Hi Jen! What medication did you use? When I went to a dermatologist I was given medication for my acne and I lost my vision from it. I had to go to an optometrist every week until my vision became clear again. My friend has taken the same medication as I have but it worked for her. I've been going through acne for about nearly 11 years now and I am currently in my 20's. It's horrible, and I hate it :(

    Hopefully you can help :)

  83. :) You are amazing, Jen. And thanks for sharing all information and love.

