Claire's Mood-Changing Nail Polish in Wild/Calm Review

9:18 PM

Hey guys! I first of all just want to do a little update on my life. I know that I've been posting slightly less often lately than usual and this is because my life has been a bit crazy lately. I've been feeling a lot of stress and have been extra busy at work and at home as well. I thank God that hubby finally found a job, which is such a blessing in this economy, but it does also mean that there has been less time for everything else. I don't think I've been getting enough sleep and I've had stress dream-nightmares for the last couple of days. I'm sure it's a natural thing that will eventually pass though, so I just want to say thank you for being supportive of the blog since you all really give me strength at times.  <3

I've been trying to squeeze in times to edit some older videos that are backlogged and I had promised that I would post this nail polish review so I uploaded it tonight! It's from the same day that I recorded my Paul&Joe Alice in Wonderland set review if you recognize my outfit. ;)

This is a nail polish that I had heard a lot of hype about among the nail polish blogs that I follow. It's a line of color changing polishes from Claire's, a US-based accessories chain in nearly every mall I've ever been to. I picked up two colors, a teal-turquoise one and the one in my review here, Wild/Calm, a pink-to-purple nail polish.

Here's the color of the polish when my fingers are medium-colder:

And here's the color when my fingers are warm:

But the best way to really appreciate this polish is to have longer nails since it can give a cool funky-french manicure effect with a gradient of pink-to-purple on the nail tips. This naturally happens since your hands are warm but the nail hanging past the finger is colder so it changes to the secondary color.

Just because it looks so different in changes of lightling, I took more pics a couple days later. All the same polish! Look how dark and light it gets. I think it's pretty impressive!

I know it's probably slightly childish of me and I'll admit I don't go into Claire's very often but I just thought this was wicked. The only downside that just KILLED this for me was that it chipped very quickly! Not quite as quickly as my matte Zoya polishes, but it had some pretty good chips after the second day. Only because it's so cool is it worth it. Honestly, I know I will wear this again since it's just like you have 2 polishes in 1. I'll be interested to see what the teal-turquoise Mood polish is like in comparison terms of wear. No swatch pics yet, but it is a cream polish unlike this sparkly one. ^.^

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the review and pics. If you have any words of encouragement to get me through another long work week, I'd love to hear it! It never hurts to share out more love, am I right?


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  1. I absolutely love this polish, it's probably the best out of all of the mood changing polishes.

    I actually found that it wore like iron with Nubar Foundation base coat, I got like 3-4 days without chipping!

  2. Very very cool.. I wanna see the blue/turquoise one! Its nice to see a claire's product that isn't a total waste, sucks that it chips though :(

  3. Unni~ Have strength! Don't give up and don't become too weak from stress =(
    That's such a cool nail polish!! LOVE IT! DEFINITELY WANT IT!

  4. Ah I was wondering how you had done your nails in the Paul and Joe video. I've been wanting to try a gradient nail, but I can't quite get it right. I'll definitely have to check this out!

  5. Hang in there Jen! Fighting! :)

  6. thats so awesome, i hope that it is available from the UK!

  7. Haha that's so cool, a foolproof method of gradient nail~

    Stress is inescapable at times, but the important thing is to be strong and endure, and become a stronger person from it :)

  8. Omgoshhh! I don't ever walk into Claire's because I always thought of it as a childish store but boy am I going in to hunt for these polishes next time!

    Thanks soo mmuch for sharing! They look even better than the Del Sol Nail polishes that change color in UV light!

    <3 Nina

  9. Cool! I hope I could find them here in the Philippines... =)

  10. Very nice! Unfortunately we do not have in France...

  11. This looks great! It's a very fun idea, I'd love to see what the turquoise one looked like! =)

    Sorry to hear things are hectic, I'm sure they will calm down soon though =) Just try to remember that anything your stressing over will surely be worth it in the end. If it's something important it will be worth a lil stress in the long run and once everything it back to normal you will be so appreciative of your health, beauty, success and marriage =) I'm rooting for you and there are so many people here who will always be willing to listen and help out when you need! Stick with it and remember to get lots of rest when possible! ~May the most you wish for be the least you get~ <3

  12. I never would have thought to purchase it at claire's... only because I had never heard anything about their nail polish before. Thanks for sharing :)

  13. Hi Jen, this is the first time that I comment, but I love your blog, and since I found it out I've been reading almost everyday!! ^^

    Well, I'm Brazilian, so sorry for my bad English ¬¬'

    I want to say that I'm also stressed, because this is my last year at Uni and I've to do graduation work and find a job. I know the reasons are different, but the stress is the same. So hang on there and I do it here! think positive! Things are going better, you will see!! So take a deep breath and vizualize a cascade ^^
    (I wish I could talk more, but it's a little hard to say in English what I'm thinking...)

    You're amazing, so keep posting and letting your blog alive! ^^

  14. This is so cool, I'm not sure whether I can find it in Singapore or not.

  15. Mood Changing nail polish is so cute! It reminds me of my middle school years :D

  16. Hi Jen :D

    This reminds me of the Del Sol polishes you were posting about a while ago! I have a single Del Sol polish that changes from milky pink to red.. I still haven't tried it out though.

    Also, what type of basecoat are you using? I'm having good results with the CND Sticky one.

    Stay strong, Jen :) I am hoping and praying for the best for you! And congrats on your hubby gettin' a job!!

    <3 Elle

  17. looks like mood nail polishes have come back in style hahah! i remember when mood nail polishes and mood rings were so popular!!! <3

  18. i have the same one and i love it! it does chip really bab but will try the basecoat next time. i also got the gray/beige one but its not very pretty on me, lol! i would love to see a quick vid with the blue/teal one.

  19. Did you wear a top coat? I was reading another blog that reviewed a different brand of color changing nail polish, and it chipped right away when the blogger wore it with a top coat, but wore longer without one. Maybe color-changing polishes react weirdly with some top coats or something...-_-

  20. Wow those are so cool! I never knew they make polishes like that... definitely will get them to try, if not to give to my 11-yr-old sister who's already a budding fashionista... she'll love it! :)

  21. Love the nail color! You and i both love to keep our nails shorter? Why? For me it's cuz i tend to scratch myself or my bf accidentally. Hehe!

    Hope things are better for you by now. Well, obstacles in life are normally test from Him up there. It'll make us stronger and brings the best out of us. Glad to hear that your hubby got a job. Must have been tough and really stressful. A friend of mine in Canada also managed to find a job after having migrating there for more than half a year now. So kudos to the two guys!! :)

    Take care Jen. I hate nightmares too. Grrr!

  22. jen this nail polish is SO cool!! i want it :)

    take care!

  23. haha interesting nail polish, I wish I had longer nails. But I really hope things become easier and less stressful for you soon. I love reading your blog and watching your videos because you're such a genuine person. Best wishes to you and your husband!

  24. this is cool, I like it a lot ^^!

  25. Stress is bad. Take acting lessons to reduce stress. U will see how other ppl handle stress. Plus, u should be in movies with ur good looks.

    Cheryl li

  26. Thanks for this review! I've seen these around and always wondered if it really worked! That's awesome!

  27. wow! love it! thanks for the review =)

  28. mood changing??? goodness i must add this to my list of things to try. Thanks for the heads up Jen xx

  29. Very cool nail polish. I love your blog btw! =)

  30. Such a pity this cool nail polish is not available in my country yet. Sigh~

    I love reading your blog, with all the makeup tutorials and everything.
    Keep on Fighting! =)

  31. Hello everybody,

    I really love these nailpolishes but I live in Belgium, They don't sell them here :(
    If somebody want to help me and send them to me.. Let me know!
    Tell me how ,and how much, I have to pay you and will do it.

    If you want to do this for me. Please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Elise <3

  32. that's so cool! does it still work if you apply a topcoat?

  33. Funny, I'm wearing the same Wild/Calm color on my toes right now. I didn't have any trouble with chipping though, but it's probably because I used Sally Hansen's 10-Day No Chip top coat. I actually don't like how matte the nail polish is, so I love how putting the top coat makes it look glossy.

  34. hello! you've been awarded on my blog! =) please check it out!

  35. You're such a goofball Jen but I love you so much. Seriously - like I hope you know that even though I'm planning to elope some day, you're still invited to come make me look pretty. Now I just have to find a guy...

  36. Woah. Okay normally I don't really pay much attention to nail polish posts... but this one was so cool. MOOD changing nail polish?!? I never knew they existed.

  37. is so nice!!! how i wish singapore here is selling... anyone can help send over for me?
    can email me at

  38. Very cool! I had a nail polish once that was sort of like that except it changed from clear to bright pink in the sunlight.

  39. the claire's near me only has the boring matte colors (light pink, hot pink, orange, blue, green).
    anyone know a good claire's store in the tri-valley/bay area that sells the gray one or calm/wild??


    i have mischevious..and i love works so well!! and it's so cool :)

  41. Hi Jen! I really want one of these but mood changing polishes still aren't available here in my country :( But anyway, I hope you don't mind, I featured your video in my blog post :D

  42. i bought this in the pink bored/excited color. the color is okay but oh my god does it chip so quickly. i usually only do my toenails because the paint normally stays on longer for them, but i swear one hour after applying it, a huge chip fell off my big toe. as cool as the color changing is, it just chips too fast to be worth it

