Oreo Takeover Apology

1:50 PM

Hello dear readers! It has come to my attention that a certain family pet may have kidnapped my Youtube channel yesterday. I first off wanted to apologize on behalf of Oreo who says he is very sorry for uploading the following video onto the From Head To Toe Youtube Channel.

Oreo has received limited Justin Beaver play time and relegation to sleeping in the kennel again as penalty.

He would've typed this post himself but he has trouble typing without spell-check due to the whole paw situation. Unfortunately his on-camera charisma doesn't translate quite as well into blogging.

We will be back to regularly scheduled beauty programming in a couple days. As always, thank you for your support and understanding!


If you'd like to keep updated with Oreo's misbehavior, feel free to follow him on Instagram @OreoChi

Readers, what did you think of Oreo's takeover? Did you get fooled or play an April Fool's Day joke this year? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Loved Oreo's takeover! He is so cute~~~



  2. I absolutely loved the Oreo takeover April Fool's prank! He's the cutest ever! I didn't play any pranks this year, and surprisingly at the office shenanigans were not had! lol

  3. Oh he is so cute, I lo that his name is Oreo!

  4. Wow this was so well done! Who did his voice? xo Kelly msdioraddict.blogspot.com

  5. He's soo adorable! I don't mind the takeover every now and then.

  6. OMG! He is so so... cute! Hugs to him..

  7. Oreo is too cute! I had to comment because I have the same tri-color long haired chihuahua! It's pretty rare to see this fur combo long haired chihuahua.

