Sea Foam FOTD & Lancome Color Fever Lipgloss

7:48 AM

Hello dahlings! Don't you love when you had some item that you've had for a while and grew away from, but then rediscovered it to find that it is an awesome product? I think I feel that way about this eyeshadow. It's from L'Oreal's Wear Infinite line of shadows in color 310 Glistening Sea. I'm sad to say that this color is discontinued (because I don't even remember how long ago I bought it) but I am really happy with the pigmentation and texture. It's a sea foam green with gold pearl which I don't think is necessarily a unique color, but it is the perfect shade of sea foam green on my skin because it shows up and is still light-colored at the same time.

Here is my swatch. Look how the cover is cracked. :p

I looooove greens and this one is so pretty especially when I am going for a really clean look. Which is exactly what I was going for in this FOTD! I used Glistening Sea on the lids, my NYX mosaic highlighter under brows and on the tops of the cheeks (or even go all out and apply to bridge of nose, chin, and near the hairline on the forehead.) Man, can I just say that I love highlighter? It makes you look especially alive and fresh and the NYX mosaic powder one is my absolute favorites.

Anyway, apply black eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of white on the tear ducts (I used NYX jumbo shadow stick in cottage cheese.) Put a pop of pink shadow on the apples of your cheeks and a pale pink gloss on your lips and you are done!

The gloss I used was Lancome's Color Fever gloss in Femme Petale which is a gorgeous pale pink cream shade. I dont love the slight cosmetic smell, but the formula feels very nice and moisturizing and you can't smell anything after it's on your lips. And did I mention I got it at Marshall's for 8 bucks? Normally retails for $25. :D

This isn't really related to anything else, but I wanted to share the view out my window this morning. Gross and depressing snow. Only in the midwest do you get 68F one day and snow two days later. :[

SPRING! Where are you! I miss you!

Hope your weather isn't as bizarre as mine. Feel free to complain about your own weather, or tell me your favorite lipgloss brand in the comments. Peace out.

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  1. Wow that´s a looot of snow!
    I really like winter so I can´t really complain about the weather!;)

    The Lancome lipgloss is really adorable! At the moment I´m using Christian Dior lipglosses, they´re quite nice and long lasting, but I hate the smell!:(

    I really like your eyemake up! It enhances your natural beauty!<3

  2. Lucky ! It's really sunny here in cali now, and very few days it rains. Ugh, you're so lucky I wish it snowed here !!
    Gorgeous eyeshadow and lipgloss !

  3. Hi Jen,

    I came across your site when I was googling for Yaz. I read your "Skincare History and Daily Regimen" post. I was shocked seeing your before and after pictures. Your skin becomes fabz!! So my question is, do you use Yaz for several months only and there shall be no more acne or more like we have to eat it everyday until we die to combat the acne with Yaz. I do not know how to see a reply from you so I guess I'll keep on checking your blog's comment on this recent post : )

    Nice meeting you,

  4. I really want to try that NYX highlighter! I think they copied the colors from Victoria's Secret, because I have their mosaic highlighter in the old silver compact packaging which was discontinued, and the colors + their placement/design is EXACTLY the same. Now I have a cheap alternative when my highlighter runs out!

  5. it's summer here in perth. or rather, the first day of fall, but it's really warm - 33C x_x

    i really like my elf lipgloss. it smells like watermelon, & lasts pretty long on me~

  6. Ji: I don't have the CD regular glosses, but I really love the creme de glosses... Do they all have a smell? I haven't noticed! I just think the texture is nice in the cremes compared to sticky lipglosses. And thank you! Snow is pretty but not when you have an hour commute. :P

    Lillian: I'm so jealous! My sister lives in Cali and she never, ever complains about the weather after living here. Haha.

    Jossie: Well, I would first see a dermatologist and see what they recommend. The first bc I took for acne was actually Tri-Sprintec (ortho tri-cyclin generic) but I was taking a whole prescribed regimen at the same time so I can't be sure that's what cleared it. I am on Yaz now which I would say helps, but my skin regimen has changed since I first went to the derm. I don't want to tell you one thing and be wrong! I'm no doctor.

    And well, I am married now so I am going to be on Yaz (or another bc) until I want to have babies. Not my whole life. Lol. Hope that helps!

    Rachel: I didn't know VS had one! It sounds like it had better packaging too. *jealous* Haha. That would be awesome if you could depot the NYX ones and keep using the silver compact!

    zeroseven: Yeah, I've heard about the crazy heat for the Aussies lately. It gets to be over 100F (38C) here in the summers too. Nothing like in Victoria though, thankfully! At least we do get pretty springs and falls. :)

  7. Ugh it's snowing here too in Chicago! I love your fotd!

  8. Ha, no one's allowed to complain about the weather until you live in Michigan. Year-long winters and horribly muggy summers. I think we boast some of the worst weather ever. It's only 13 out and I think it's decently nice...

  9. a very pretty look!:)

  10. I love ur eyemake!
    Its winter -ish =)
    Wow and so much snow O_O
    ive never seen snow down under here.. SOB... xD

  11. hi jen, love your blog!
    i have a question for you actually. i want to try to use eyeshadow sometime, but i want it to look REALLY natural, like you can barely tell it's there. btw, i'm asian, so my coloring is just kinda in between.

  12. Love that lip gloss, especially when it's a deal like that...I've only spotted a deep red with shimmer color fever gloss in a store here but I went with a fuchsia lipstick...Love it!

  13. Hi!
    I just came across your blog, and I really love it!

    The lip color and your eyes just look amazingly beautiful!


