OOTD: Spring Leopard & White Jeans

2:53 PM

Spring is absolutely my favorite season because everything starts to grow and become bright and new again. Although we've gone back and forth between chilly weather and hot hot heat, a desire to look more fresh definitely shows itself in my wardrobe choices.

I took a few of my favorite things and put them together for this Spring-fresh OOTD!

Makeup Tutorial for this look here.

Hair tutorial for this look here.

Items Mentioned:
Ann Taylor Leopard Silk Tunic (similar here / here)
Abercrombie kids' white skinny jeans (similar here / here)
Ann Taylor Exotic Perfect Skinny Belt (similar here / here)
Ann Taylor necklace (similar here / here)
Cole Haan Carma Air slingbacks (low end here & here / high end here)

I am one of those people who don't believe in the "no white until Memorial Day" rule, obviously. I even wore my white jeans with some crisp navy blue cardigans during the winter when I felt that the slush and grey was getting unbearable. As soon as green leaves and blue skies show up, I grab my white pants and boogie! The best part is that they make every top look just a bit more sophisticated and fresh.

I complimented my Juicy Orange makeup look with this citrine yellow belt that I showed in my April Hits & Misses, which also happens to match my coral-orange toenails. I'm LOVING warm accent colors this spring!

Can you see how beautifully this necklace hangs? It was a winter piece but I'll be wearing this sparkly piece all year round. The trick is to pair it with something really detailed like leopard print so it doesn't scream out, or do the opposite and pair it with something really simple to make a statement.

In addition to these skinnies, I recently also bought some white Frankie B flares on Hautelook which I am super excited to bust out as well. :D I can't wait to get them hemmed (of course) and paired with some wedges and a sheer top.

Hope you enjoyed the look and tell me in the comments what your opinion is on white jeans. Hecks yes or hecks no?

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I bought everything in this post and video myself and they were not sponsored in any way. I love Ann Taylor. That's not a disclaimer but I'm just sayin'. 

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  1. You have a gorgeous body Jen! You are just stunning from head to toe@!

  2. Heck yes :) You look so chic in this outfit, Jen. I don't believe in the "no white until Memorial Day" rule, either. I love white jeans. They sorta go with everything. Great spring look!

  3. Yay finally an OOTD for this outfit! I fell in love w/ this during your orange makeup tutorial. The leopard print looks amazing on you!! I saw that top at Ann Taylor the other day but didn't think I'd be able to wear that much leopard print @ once lol. Now I wanna go back and get it!!

  4. Gorgeous! You look like you should be in a magazine!

  5. I loooove everything else BUT the yellow belt. I dunno...just seems off. Coral is a win :)

  6. love the entire outfit! I am interested in knowing what your size is for abercrombie kids jeans! keep doing OOTD's! :D

  7. AH! So jealous of this outfit! You look so stunning in it! :D Not to mention your hair also looks fantastic, I'm loving the ombre ;)

  8. so cute!! and heck yes to white jeans! i love them ^^

  9. you lookkkk great!!! this whole outfit is soooo cute! I love it

  10. your belt is really cute! love your whole outfit!


  11. Gorgeous outfit and well put together! Love the pop of yellow and coral x

  12. totally cute! love the hair, the makeup the outfit~ so ny~=)
    ps...totally feel the same about the white jeans,,

  13. Hey Jen, love the whole ensemble! Have you tried pairing your skinnies with white pumps? That should look cool too! Or keep the belt neutral and go for bright shoes. Lol!! Yes to white jeans and white tailored pants too. More OOTD please!


  14. I don't believe in the no white rule either. Whoever made that up anyway? LOL

    You look great in this outfit!!!

  15. you are always sooo pretty!!!! and girl you can post!! ^^ love them all and the outfit is totally cuteee ^^

    Thisisalx (Alx)greeting from Canada s2

  16. Awesome outfit! Great as always. :) I love love love me some white pair o' jeans! I should be getting a pair in the mail tomorrow, and I'm super excited. I agree... they really brighten up an outfit and make tops look sophisticated.

  17. You look great Jen! I love how you threw in the bright yellow belt. I love the look of white jeans but I'm always so paranoid of them getting dirty if I wear them outside the house >.<

  18. On you, white jeans are a yes for sure! I love the contrast between your top and the jeans!

  19. Hecks yah! Love white jeans anytime of the year! and rockin the white jeans with leopard even hotter!

  20. Lily: I hadn't thought of white pumps, only because I don't own any! I do have white slingbacks with black piping... I'll have to try that soon. ^_^

    Heleee ♪ and crystal: I wear size 10 or 12 slim in abercrombie jeans (they are the same, just have different inseams).

  21. why do you always look this gorgeous? i so envy you! i love the makeup, outfit, EVERYTHING!

  22. lovely outfit! you're so pretty! ;D

  23. lovely outfit! you're so pretty! ;D

  24. Wahh You are so lucky you can wear white jeans!! I bought a pair but they just make my legs look fat >.<

  25. Your outfit is awesome and you look amazing. Loved the look so I clicked on the ann taylor link for the shirt and then realized I had seen it on their site before but didn't like it...your outfit and pictures are way nicer!

  26. Heck YES indeed! I love white pants too! And that leopard top is just gorgeous on you, entire outfit is awesome!

    You should do more OOTD's I like your style, comfy and cozy yet chic and classy!

  27. Hi jen, i don't leave comments very often.... anyways decided to leave one today and let you know that i absolutely love your style! <3

  28. love the outfit! not too busy but fresh and modern! and LOVE your hair in these pictures the perfect waves and color!! can you make a tutorial for how you achieve those waves? or if you curled it what size barrel you used? thank you!!
    (i can never get my hair to be wavy from a curling iron clip or clipless so id appreciate a tutorial very much!)

  29. Nice jeans Jen!
    I can never wear a pair of white jeans, I have heavy bottom =(

  30. love the outfit
    you look great
    love the animal print top with the necklace

  31. I love the outfit. So chic and you look so gorgeous too :)

  32. hi jen, i just foun out your blog from you tube..i really enjoy reading it! keep writing
    ps: i'm a fan of white jeans also..cause i can go formal or casual with it

  33. love your style honey!!!

  34. aww~ That outfit is soo cute!
    I agree wih s2Janie, you do have a wonderful body! What do you do to keep your body in shap?? ♥

  35. Love the outfit! And YES to white jeans...I have a pair of 3 Pearls white skinny jeans that I bought in the kids dept at Bloomies on sale and I LOVE them. This year I plan on pairing them with wedges and tank tops in the summer weather :D

  36. loooove white jeans! which reminds me i need to get a new pair for the summer

  37. Gorgeous! You look like you should be in a magazine!

    white cardigan

